Posts Tagged ‘doom!’

DOOM! dome!

August 20, 2009


Ah, life has been kind. Well, the internet and dead people have been kind. Dead people make me money, and donate shit to the Goodwill, like this beeeyouuuteeful ensemble:

playa 001

Black and white checks (NOT gingham, mind you) with flowers of ungodly yellow and pink.

Not to mention….DOOM! dome:

playa 009

After we FINALLY @#$%^ got it set up (five people, three people more than they insisted it would take). 1.5 hrsish.

George asked me what its named was. “Hadn’t thought about it…” I cocked my head.

A while later, eating inside, marveling at its wonder, I laughed, “DOOM! dome,  of course that’s it!”

Not dome of doom. DOOM! dome. Get it right.

So…we’ll see. It has a floor. Should be sturdy enough. Has the big nail stakes, not sure if I should get the similiar ones with plastic pull tops, or some of the almight rebar (google “burning man rebar” and have fun)(Just kidding about the fun).

Clear, plastic windows that come with a pocketed curtain are AWEsome:

playa 010

L to R window with curtain, one to three doors, uncovered window.

playa 011

Circle (no mesh) in top middle, zipper pulls dangle down. Nice bright purple nylon.

Was suggested I put a fan up there. Not sure. Wondering if rain fly would be too stiflely, or if having it atop the poles would do that layering thing…like create a cool air zone between it and the tent.

I mean dome! DOOM! dome!

Ha ha, I just realized I’ve now got DOOM! dome and Camp CAMP!

So that’s it, folks. Domicide mission accomplished. I’m not even going to set up the other tent I purchased to try out. Done and done.  I’m not thrilled about not being able to do it by myself, so it won’t be an every burn thing, but it is pretty neat.


August 6, 2009

I can’t get anything done. I have a pile of stuff that needs to be packed. I have unfinished costumes – and ideas – that need a needle and thread. Yet somehow…I just don’t care. I think I might be overwhelmed to the point my brain went “Enough.” and left. Or the initial frenzied OMG I’M GOING TO BURNING MAN energy has worn off, leaving me back with my usual lazy-ass, melancholic ennui.

I have an official list, at least (which, to my annoyance, grows a bit every day), that I’m now working from.


Normal clothes.

Night (ie warmer) clothes.

Daily toiletries

Probably not needed medical stuff

Bus bag for the trip there and back

Stuff for my daypack

Dry food

Cooler food? (food is still frustrating me)




Spare tent?

Gifts? What kind? How many?

Ha! I like how costumes is the first thing that came to mind. Part of the problem is I’m trying not to drink, so my liquid motivation isn’t there…generally I can buckle down in the sewing room with my laptop (movies) and some gin and get shit DONE, son.

I hate that I need the distractions (I’d much rather listen to the Cocteau Twins and drink green tea).

Say, do you know how many kids  with ADD it takes to change a lightbulb?

Wanna go ride bikes?

I guess instead of posting the boring stuff inside my brain I’ll do this:

How to find me on the playa

Probably the easiest way is to look for my tattoo:


More fun would be to randomly yell DOOM!

Technically, I am Gloom, but DOOM! is a smidge more satisfying to scream at people. Even if you don’t get me, you won’t be disappointed.


I might be on this ship:

 (c’est moi on the right) But I don’t know. I have a sneaky feeling I won’t see much of people I actually know and love IRL, pirate queen I be or no.

If you’re fond of the yelling stuff, you can try hollerin’ “Tuki tuki!” (rhymes with took, took-ie). If you hear a reply, “kaw kaw, kaw kaw,” you might have found me – but again, if not, you won’t be disappointed.

My homebase is Big Puffy Yellow, at 7:30 and Chaos (you have NO idea how hilarious that is to me…). I’m not sure about camp décor…it is usually top of my list, but not for this trip.

Oh, and I’ve been pondering the whole vacuum-packing thing.

I was eyeballing the bags at Tarjay. It’d be super great for the trip there, no doubt, but then you’re still stuck with the same stuff, not compressed to more than half its size, for the trip back.

But, I thought, I will have a little more space, since food boxes and coolers will be (presumably) empty. And, if I take throw-away bedding (one very large packing component) that I donate somewhere on the way out…it might be a good idea.

Tip o’ the day:

Instant coffee = no need for a pot, no need to wash said pot, no need to worry about grounds (ie, moop)